Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Any #agu11 Pranksters out there? inre: Deeply insightful abstract... - Geologic Froth

Thanks to Kyle House for bringing this to my attention: This kind of behaviour should be encouraged as a trade off for getting an 8 am Monday talk and a 1600 Friday poster in the same meeting!

Crow log supplemental (30 Sept 11):

Show this to Mrs. Sica who just started singing? Is this a mid-west thing, here's Lonzo and Oscar in 1948 (good ol' youtube):


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Though it be a day hence har maties it still were Pirate Day @ the Planetary seminar @cpsxnews #MattsBooty


Monday, September 19, 2011

Crow Emily: check out Andrew Heymsfield on hole-punch clouds made by jets #EarthSky @atmosnews


Something for the CRL to look for in Eureka! Full article at

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hey rest of the world: you gonna let us get away with this: Canadian ozone network faces axe : Nature News


This article is no joke, the Harper Government wants Environment Canada out of the business of measuring ozone, including some of the most critical locations for ozone measurements in the high Arctic. If you find this unpalatable then let the Canadian government know this anyway you can!

Friday, September 9, 2011

#xkcd: File Transfer. Anyone else have this conversation 10x per week?

Every time you email a file to yourself so you can pull it up on your friend's laptop, Tim Berners-Lee sheds a single tear.