Friday, December 14, 2012

Sorry Fbook followers of the Purple Crow Lidar

Those who Know the Crow are well aware of the high regard he has for Facebook (not). In fact he spends as little time dealing with it as possible and encourages the entire world to get an account and stop having our social media-ing serving advertisers (find me on @bobsica). Anyhoo and how, it turns out sometime in late October Fbook changed something with posting to pages, so only posts through were making it to Fbook and not via selective tweets. So it goes. Below is a taste of some of what you missed by not following @purplecrowlidar on twitter.
Of particular note is the sad news I got yesterday about “austerity” (the newest swear word in the language) mercilessly striking the American Geophysical Union.
The Crow
ps I’m dumping all PCL tweets to Fbook now, if it gets to be TMI I’ll try to resolve this somehow.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

“Detector box, you’re awesome”

  • Robin: “Detector box, you’re awesome”
  • Box: “Ahhh Robin, come on you did all the aligning, I just recorded the photons”

Congratulations to Crow @Robin_Wing for successfully defending his MSc thesis!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Crow Emily watch out! Look behind you! #Endeavour is flying right past you at #JPL.

Crow Emily watch out! Look behind you! #Endeavour is flying right past you at #JPL.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Daring Fireball on Mars Curosity computing specs

John Gruber in #DaringFireball on @MarsCurosity computing specs 

Amazing how modest the processing power and software system is on state-of-the-art equipment. As I remember it took until the late 80’s before 8086 processors where flight-certified by NASA.

HonkHonkHonk: Western installs new Weather Siren

HonkHonkHonk: Western installs new Weather Siren

Sirens! Harpies! Draw us to the rocks on Western Road will ye she-devils. Send warning to all that neither driving rain, sleet or icy winds shall stop the University of Western Ontario from its mission of destiny!

Terrifying #xkcd on wind power and turbulence

Terrifying because it is better than most of the “science” in the ridiculous debates over the health effects of turbines! Also just funny cause it’s picture of an “un-turbulence-izer” would love to get me one of those and put it by the lidar.

Badges? We don’t need no badges!

Badges? We don’t need no badges!
Well, actually Crow Emily does to get around at JPL. She’s been picking up lots of tricks, I hope they let her take a turn to drive Curiosity!


Friday, October 5, 2012

UWO Astronomy Student Names an Asteroid after Orchestra London

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Misconduct, Not Error, Accounts For Most Scientific Paper Retractions

Misconduct, Not Error, Accounts For Most Scientific Paper Retractions

Brought to my attention from my colleague Prof. deBruyn in Physics. 67.4% of the medical papers retracted were due to misconduct not errors!

Monday, October 1, 2012

@cpsx ‘ers: take a virtual tour of the Japanese space agency!

Google Lat Long: Explore the Forefront of Japanese Space Science

Follow the links (and the Google tricycle) around the JAXA Space museum!

Google Lat Long: Explore the Forefront of Japanese Space Science wi...: September 12th is “Space Day” in Japan, and we are celebrating by releasing new, comprehensive Street View imagery for two of Japan’s top s...

Aurora Seen from Northern Ontario: 1 October 2012

Spectacular photo of the aurora (Northern Lights) from last night’s large solar storm from Thunder Bay, Ontario (from The Weather Network).

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Recollections of the ISSI Lidar Temperature and Ozone Algorithms Working Group: Meeting 3

Wow been just over a week since I left Switzerland after a (hard!) working group meeting on lidar temperature and ozone algorithms (part of the Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change, NDACC, lidar group). The International Space Science Institute was very accommodating to us, the weather was too nice (hard to work indoors through much of the day) and the meeting extremely productive. The group (including NDACC lidar scientists not at this meeting) is working on various issues of our data analysis with the goal of further improving the uniformity of the global data sets available from the NDACC program. During the week we spent considerable time on several details, some of which seem at first to not be important to the problem at hand. For instance, using our temperature measurements in the middle and upper atmosphere to investigate atmospheric change requires a fairly precise knowledge of Earth’s gravity at the surface. So we have to expand our expertise beyond the atmosphere into other areas, which to me is a fun part of being a scientist.

Our working group leader Thierry had us marching along in tight formation all and we obediently followed (for a bunch of scientists).

We worked hard all day but enjoyed dining together in the evening.

And not to worry! I got both a goat bell

and a cowbell (slightly smaller :-)

Pat and I have been happily clanging away all week. Here are a couple more pictures.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Duck sets the Record Straight on Canadian Arctic Science

the PEARL observatory in winter

Disturbing words from Canada’s Enviroment Minister Peter Kent. This past week he wrote a letter to the Victoria Times-Colonist mis-representing several important facts about the Harper Government’s brutal, targeted cuts on Arctic science. Prof. T. Duck (Dalhousie University) replies to Kent’s misrepresentation of the facts in a letter to, concluding:

… point-by-point Kent’s claims about PEARL are factually incorrect. Many other claims in the Times-Colonist letter have been so profoundly discredited that it is no small wonder he had the gall to utter them. This past week, in response to criticism he had “misled Canadians”, Kent told an opposition MP that she should talk to “better informed scientists”. What we really need is a better-informed Minister.

I encourage you to read the rest of Prof. Duck’s letter on 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Echo Base in the Sunshine


Wave clouds over the #EchoBase Observatory. In the daytime, when the Crows usually sleep :-) 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Congratulations to Crow Emily on winning the William H. Wehlau award!


Crow Emily was recently recognized as the top student in the Astronomy graduate program: (via the UWO Physics & Astronomy Blog). She is shown being presented the award by Astronomy Prof. Amelia Wehlau at the Department picnic. We Crows are all so proud of Emily!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Moon Landing

Take that you crazy NASA moon landing deniers (via xkcd: Moon Landing). On the other hand it’s hard to pull off an operation like this given the current budget envelope.

FML: Google buys Sparrow Mail

So guess who just took the last few days to switch over to Sparrow. I’m on a crappy role here, first all my blogs were on Posterous and now Sparrow has flown the coop. I hope they live up to their promise of continued support unlike Posterous who left its users out in the cold with no support. That being said I have a support issue going back and forth with the Sparrow people and they have been terrific, answering me as recently as last night when you would have thought they would be partying!

added 30 July 13: put tumblr on that list as well!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Leap Second Bug Causes Glitches for LinkedIn, Reddit, More

'Leap Second Bug' Causes Glitches for LinkedIn, Reddit, More 

Ah #Romana it is a simple matter of time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus Transit Event @westernu

Nice to see some many people out in #ldnont getting a painless dose of #science at the #venustransit 

I’ve posted a few pictures on Flickr:

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory science team has posted some terrific movies of SDO’s view of the Venus Transit. Plus you get to say ingress and egress!

The Hubble Space Telescope also captured the event.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Canadian Environmental Day of Protest

If you’ve from not from Canada you may not be aware our Government is cutting multiple arms of environmental research off, including atmospheric ozone measurements.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mysterious Light in the Sky

How cool is this! Jay Brodie, walking his dog northwest of London saw our laser (I’m guessing from several km away) and made this video which he posted on youtube in hope that someone would explain what he saw.

Fortunately he found this blog and figured out what was going on. So those in the Northern part of London, ON watch those skies north of the city on clear nights and you might see our beam!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Comparisons with the NASA ALVICE lidar are in Progress, so… Why Measure Water Vapour in the Upper Atmosphere?

The Crows have become Night Owls and put in a Herculean effort in the last couple weeks to prepare and begin measurements with our Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) colleagues from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The group we are collaborating with is led by Dr. Dave Whiteman and their lidar system is called ALVICE: Atmospheric Lidar for Validation, Interagency Collaboration and Education.

The NASA ALVICE trailer parked out at Western’s Environmental Science Research Facility. The building housing the PCL system is just to the left of the trailer.

The ALVICE system is mobile, meaning that it can be transported in a self-contained trailer. The system can measure water vapor mixing ratio, aerosol backscatter/extinction/depolarization and temperature in both daytime and nighttime. The ALVICE group is not just from NASA but includes students and faculty from Howard University in Washington DC, as well as collaborating scientists from Brazil and Bolivia.

The goal of our measurements over the next month is to compare our measurements to validate our system calibrations, by inter-comparisons, balloon measurements, calibration sources and satellites. The balloon measurements include regular weather balloons plus ozonesondes and frost point hygrometers, which are carried up by a balloon into the stratosphere to measure the small (a few ppmv) but important amount of water vapour present (1 ppmv means in a cubic litre of air in the lower stratosphere for every million air molecules there is 1 water vapour molecule). The PCL has been able to do these validation checks in the past in the lower and middle troposphere (the lower part of the atmosphere below about 12 km altitude) but has not had the ability to validate its measurements in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (the UTLS).

The UTLS is of great importance in large part due to water vapour, as water vapour is important in the chemistry of ozone. If the temperature changes in the troposphere it affects the amount of water vapour which can mix into the stratosphere and interact with ozone. Assessing this situation is complicated. Weather and climate are highly complex systems that are fully nonlinear, meaning that small changes to the system in one location can cause large feedbacks throughout the system. Weather is inherently highly variable, particular at middle latitudes. To make matters more complicated, humans have a significant affect on the already highly unstable natural cycle. The body of evidence shows we are in a period of rapid warming near the surface that is due to human activity, which appears to be having significant affects on the weather. To further complicate the affect of temperature change, for a significant period of time we released a large amount of chlorofluorocarbons into the lower atmosphere, which made there way into the stratosphere and caused unnaturally large ozone losses, particularly at the poles (e.g. polar ozone holes). Goals of the NDACC program include trying to understand these interactions be making long term measurements of water vapour, ozone and temperature.

An image from the International Space Station shows a pileus cloud forming over the Sarychev volcanic eruption in 2009 (from the Wikipedia page on Pileus Clouds).
In addition to affecting ozone chemistry, the UTLS is a region of important dynamical interactions between air in the stratosphere and troposphere The tropospheric air can contain natural and anthropogenic pollutants, which are carried into the stratosphere and distributed on a global-scale before falling back to the surface, a process called stratosphere-troposphere exchange. We used to imagine that the stratosphere and troposphere were separated by a rigid “lid”, (the temperature inversion which defines the tropopause). Dur­ing times of intense convection over cumulonimbus clouds a pileus cloud would occasionally be observed to form in the lower stratosphere, but otherwise dry, ozone-rich stratospheric air was separated from relatively moist, ozone-depleted tropospheric air. However, it is now known that when the speed of the jet stream intensifies in regions of surface cyclogenesis tropospheric folds can develop which can cause air to rapidly be exchanged between the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.

It is just now being recognized another factor which can affect water vapour and ozone in the UTLS is due to forest fires. We are already at the start of what is appearing to be a extremely active fire season. A small number of these fires can develop into huge wildfires that can combine with severe thunderstorms, where vigorous convection is occurring. It was only recently appreciated that this convection can be so strong that smoke particles and carbon monoxide can be carried into the stratosphere and transported great distances. While initial reaction to this idea was met with some skepticism, measurements have clearly demonstrated this is the case. With global warming comes more forest fire activity, and pyroconvection may have significant implications on ozone and temperature change. There has been activity the last few days from fires out West that may bring some of this smoke over the London area.

Measurements of a smoke layer in the UTLS due to a fire in northern Saskatchewan (from Doucet, 2009).

I will post more updates as the campaign progresses. In fact I just heard we had a successfully FPH flight last night (though it looks like we would need a submarine to recover this one as it landed in Lake Ontario, drat!).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our old N2 filter when "blue" on us: here's our new one


"Our new filter is here in time for tonight's measurements #lidar #605nm (15nm passband)"

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Crow Emily wins Ramsay Memorial Award for Arctic Research

From all the Crows: congratulations Emily on receiving this recognition for all your efforts to help improve our understanding of the Arctic environment!

Emily McCullough wins Ramsay Memorial Award - Western Physics and Astronomy WHAT'S HAPPENING:

The Ramsay award has been made annually to a student working in the Canadian Arctic.

Malcolm Ramsay Memorial Award

The Malcolm Ramsay Memorial Award was created in 2000. During his career, he was a biology professor at the University of Saskatchewan and a world-renowned polar bear expert.  He played a major role in the studies of many young Arctic researchers and was a strong supporter of the NSTP at the University of Saskatchewan.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

That's odd @NASA upon first meeting Mrs. Sica and saying that I got slapped #SuperMoon #May5

Perigee "Super Moon" On May 5-6 - NASA Science

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Summer must be here because walking into the lab I stumbled upon a murder of #Crows

Murder of Crows
As the Oxford English Dictionary suggests, “murder” may “perhaps [allude] to the crow’s ... harsh and raucous cry.”
Like when I try to get them to get the lidar going!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Out working on the laser, the Red Bud greets us at Echo Base #science


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Something to make your day more beautiful.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fire truck out window! How exciting world-class science comes to a standstill.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Crows Welcome Back Emily from Eureka. #PEARL #CANDAC


Robin treated us to some delicious cupcakes to celebrate Emily’s return from a successful campaign in Eureka, Nunavut. She is slowly adjusting to the high sun angle and 50 degree warmer temperatures. And working without a parka, toque and mitts!

Monday, April 9, 2012

@xkcd: Lakes and Oceans. How about the Atmosphere next?

Would be glad to make myself available for any help required on a follow up on the Atmosphere, this is great visualization of the water, thanks!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Paul and Emily are on there way home from Eureka after freeing a stuck pump chamber. #CANDAC

After a full day's work Emily and Paul demonstrate the required leverage to remove a stubborn pump chamber from the CANDAC CRL lidar transmitter.

That's how you do it :-)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Petition to Minister Kent to save the Canadian Polar Enviroment Atmospheric Research Lab

If you think it is a bad decision by the Canadian government to stop funding atmospheric research (including ozone studies) in the Arctic please sign this petition.
You don't have to be from Canada to sign and have your voice to be heard.

Friday, March 16, 2012

When Opinion Trumps Scientific Reason #TheMark #PEARL #ozone #EnvironmentCanada

Or the ideological basis for federal cuts to environmental spending.

The closure of Canada’s Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Lab (PEARL) has shocked many Canadians. Located at 80°N in the High Arctic on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, PEARL is the northernmost civilian research laboratory in the world. It is internationally recognized for ozone and climate research, and helped discover the first-ever Arctic ozone hole in 2011. PEARL is a Canadian success story that one U.S. government scientist deemed a “national treasure.” Now, many are left wondering why the Canadian government decided to bury that treasure.

Like most university-based environmental-research programs, PEARL depends upon federal grants to operate. However, in recent years, funding opportunities for projects like PEARL have been narrowed or eliminated. Government support for PEARL’s main sponsor, the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences was cut off. Funding that was promised for climate and atmospheric science in the 2011 Federal Budget has been held up for nearly a year. The impact of this funding gap is far from benign. It has forced some of Canada’s best researchers to leave the country to find work. These experts were cultivated in Canada over many years and at great cost. It will take a generation to replace them.

Related: Environment and Economics: A False Dichotomy

The funding crisis at our universities mirrors the ongoing cutbacks at Environment Canada (EC). In July 2011, the government announced that it would eliminate 776 positions from EC, with 300 staff to be declared surplus. The cuts are undermining important research and monitoring programs in ozone, atmospheric radiation, climate adaptation, environmental toxics, air quality, and airborne research. Canadians depend upon these programs to ensure their environmental security, health, and safety.

How, then, can the government sufficiently defend these cutbacks?

It’s possible that a scientific review conducted by knowledgeable experts could provide the appropriate justification. However, no such review has taken place. At the 2012 World Economic Forum in Davos, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that Canada’s investments in science and technology have produced poor results and are a “significant problem for our country.” Given the lack of expert assessment, however, his comments are without merit: They represent his unscientific opinion, and nothing more. Scientists the world over are lamenting what is happening to Canada’s scientific community.

Canadian governments once understood that good policy is informed by science. In 1988, Brian Mulroney’s Progressive Conservatives commissioned independent experts to conduct a review of EC’s ozone program. The resulting report (“Measuring the Impacts of Environment Canada’s R&D: Case Study: Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Research,” 1998) stated that for every dollar spent on the program, Canadians received almost $13 in benefits to their health, environment, and economy. Health benefits included the avoidance of over 57,000 cases of skin cancer, 30,000 cases of cataracts, and 625 deaths in Canada over a 60-year period. Unfortunately, the Harper Conservatives have sought to dismantle what the Progressive Conservatives saw worthy of support.

What’s particularly concerning is that the cuts to Canada’s environmental-monitoring programs are not about money. PEARL costs $1.5 million per year to operate, and EC’s ozone program likely costs about $1 million per year. Compare these costs with those of the government’s flagship programs: The budget for purchasing and servicing one F-35 fighter jet ($246 million, based on calculations from numbers given here) would power PEARL half way into the next century. The budget for new prisons ($9.5 billion) might have seen PEARL into the next ice age. The cost of gazebos and other perks that were built for Muskoka in the run-up to the G8 meeting of 2010 ($50 million) would have supported EC’s ozone program for the next 50 years. The budget for the War of 1812 celebrations ($28 million) could have supported either program for decades.

Related: Obstinate Harper Fuels Pipeline Opposition

If money is not the issue, then why is the Canadian government so bent on making cuts to environmental spending? Harper made this clear last year during a trip to the Arctic, when he opined that environmental concerns cannot be allowed to stand in the way of economic development. This is a dangerous attitude. The economy doesn’t exist independent of the environment. A 1990 report from the United Steelworkers explains it best: “The real choice is not jobs or environment. It’s both or neither. What kind of jobs will be possible in a world of depleted resources, poisoned water and foul air, a world where ozone depletion and greenhouse warming make it difficult even to survive?”

Unfortunately, the government has systematically reduced scrutiny of the impacts of its economic and environmental policies by eliminating or crippling important research programs like PEARL. The widespread muzzling of EC scientists has further removed expert opinions from the debate. Clearly, the government cannot protect the future health and safety of Canadians and Canada’s economic viability without reliable information about environmental change. Yet, that is exactly what it is trying to do. It is the triumph of ideology over reason.

Photo 1 courtesy of Hermann Berg; Photo 2 courtesy of Tobias Kerzenmacher.

Op-ed piece from The Mark by Prof. T. Duck of Dalhousie. We continue to ask the question of why funding has been cut for Arctic ozone research when the amount of funding needed to continue this work (per year) is LESS THEN 5% OF RUN-UP COSTS OF THE G8 MEETING IN MUSKOKA (which was actually held 3.5 hours away in Toronto)?

Money, for a change, does not appear to be the issue here.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Prof. T. Duck asks about the missing $35million the #HarperGovnt promised for atmospheric research? #TOStar #westernu

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prime Minister Stephen Harper should set scientists free, says Nature #Editorial from #TOstar

"For a western democracy, the Harper government has been moving entirely in the wrong direction when it comes to allowing freedom of speech for federal scientists."

The Toronto Star weighed in today on its Editorial page on the recent publication in the journal Nature scolding the Harper government's on its insistence for muzzling federal scientists. I have had this happen to several colleagues, even to the level of having permission denied for trivial contacts (e.g. help from reports for local "Ask a Scientist" type columns). Reminiscent to me of the problems federal scientists working in the area of climate had in the U.S. had during the Busch administration.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why Canadians should care about the closure of the PEARL Observatory. #CANDAC @westernu @lfpress @aguscipolicy @saveec @createarcticsci

Why Canadians should care about the closure of the PEARL Observatory

Yesterday we announced the closure of the Polar Environment Research Laboratory (PEARL) located in the high Arctic at Eureka, Nunavut. And what should disturb Canadians about this news has nothing to do with scientific entitlement, belief or disbelief in climate change or signalling our failure as a nation to be able to honour international agreements and commitments. We should be disturbed by the rejection of the notion of our sovereignty by the current Government. Sovereignty has been a cornerstone of the Canadian identify for hundreds of years. Sovereignty is a part of the Canadian mystique, our world-renown ability to stickhandle through difficult situations and find common ground and compromise in chaos.
The current Government has in recent months, in addition to closing the PEARL facility, attempted to stop all ozone research by Environment Canada as well as successfully eliminated the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS). This well-coordinated attack on atmospheric science has two major implications for our sovereignty.
  1. Developing policy. Traditionally when governments are trying to determine future policy actions they need information on which to base their decisions. For instance, how will changing climate affect Canadian agriculture? What affect will future climate changes have on air quality? If the Government is successful and rids itself of scientists investigating climate and weather issues, and further is successful in cutting support to University researchers, where is it going to get its information to make decisions? If you are in business and want to make a plan should you rely on your competitors (e.g. other nations) to provide the best possible advice to benefit you?
  2. Health of citizens. Another important function of government is risk assessment. For instance, when the Antarctic Ozone Hole was discovered and was found to be growing its affects on humans was felt in New Zealand. It was critical for their government to be informed and know what was happening locally. Last winter measurements from the PEARL Observatory were a critical part of showing the first significant Arctic ozone losses that were at a level of the Antarctic Ozone Hole. We feel it is a responsibility of the Government to monitor atmospheric air quality so they have the knowledge necessary to bring forward policies protecting the health of Canadians. Do we want to rely on getting this information from other nations?
For a Government that has made mention many times about sovereignty, particularly in the context of the Arctic, the closure of the PEARL observatory is particularly troubling. So are we to accept the plan is to just “develop” the Arctic and let’s not bother with any informed thought on how we go about doing that? That logic was prevalent in the 19th century expansion across North America, but we learned some hard lessons from that experience we should not forget. The Government’s logic that Canada’s loss of an existing high Arctic research facility is compensated for by a plan to possibly build a facility in 2017 located 1600 km to the South is unacceptable (FYI 1600 km is about the distance from Toronto to Atlanta, Georgia!).
If your Canada includes homegrown scientific research into the environment to allow informed policy decisions and you want Canada to keep a scientific presence in the high Arctic to protect our sovereignty you can write to your MP, the Prime Minister and Minister Kent and let them know how you feel about the closure of the PEARL facility. Contact information is given at the end of this article.

Further Information:

  • Dennis Bevington, MP from Western Arctic, NT, questions the Government about the closure of PEARL:

Contact Information to Let Your Voice be Heard

You can locate your MP’s information at: Letters mailed to the following addresses in Canada do not require postage.

The Prime Minister address: Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613–941–6900, E-mail:

Enviroment Minister Kent can be reached at: The Honourable Peter Kent
Minister of the Environment, Member of Parliament for Thornhill (Ontario), Les Terrasses de la Chaudière, 10 Wellington Street, 28th Floor, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Tel.: 819–997–1441, Fax: 819–953–0279, Email:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

#CBCNews High Arctic research station forced to close

Sadly today marks the official announcement of the closure of Canada's PEARL Observatory. We have been unable to secure funding, primarily because we no longer have any government atmospheric or climate programs we can apply to for funds. The new observatory promised for 2017 is 1300 km to the south and is not in the high Arctic. Being in this location was important for being able to take measurements last spring during the largest Arctic ozone hole yet observed.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

CRL update 20120223


Good morning!
Here's the lidar shining into ice crystals last night while Chris was measuring.

via Crow Emily

Friday, February 24, 2012

Photo of the #CANDAC #Rayleigh #Mie #Lidar back in action from #Eureka #NWT.


In Situ Crow Emily and the remote Dalhousie University crew have gotten the CRL lidar going again at the PEARL Observatory in Eureka. You can follow the ACE satellite validation campaign action at Today marked the first day the Sun has (briefly) peeked over the horizon at 80 degrees North this year!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Why is this scientist smiling? Read the meter: 981mJ GREEN @ 30Hz. Game on! #lidar

Well after a very long time the Crows are happy to report that we appear to have our laser issues resolved and we are hoping to be able to resume routine operations with our new transmitter. As the meter shows we are getting close to 1 J per pulse (@ 30 Hz) of green light from our new YAG. We were here before last March, but got stymied as the power quickly decayed. This problem appeared to be due to heat building up inside the system. Litron solved this problem by designing new covers with exhaust fans. There were also some internal times issues that appear to be resolved. We were also able to try our new beam expander, and it looks like we don't have any serious clipping issues (the beam was a bit larger than anticipated, but fixing the timing issues and changing lamps got us back to its nominal value).

Needless to see we are very happy and can get back to work, but without Crow Emily for a bit. She is up in Eureka working with the CANDAC CRL lidar system until April. We'll keep you posted on that.

See a few more snaps from the install here.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our rods have seen better days. #QuestFor1Jgreen


Monday, February 13, 2012

Canada dropping the #ozone ball, scientists warn - Politics - CBC News


The CBC has picked up the AGU EOS article. I noticed the first commenter saying if EC thinks it is important they should cut something else. I would ask what would you do if your income was suddenly cut in half? Cut eating so you could heat your home? Live in a tent and eat better? Don't natter on about EC and priorities. Unless you think they should eliminate providing weather forecasts in Ontario to pay for their ozone program! Or do you believe they should outsource forecasting to another met service?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wonderful. Harper govt to cut GSC's Ice Core Research Lab as well #EndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt

Well got some feedback on the Harper Government cutting ozone research at Enviroment Canada. A colleague sent on this McLean's article about cutting the Geological Survey of Canada's Ice Core Research Laboratory as well.

That makes sense, right? If your trying to erase the present climate record to justify unchecked development you better cover your tracks and deny the last 150,000 years as well!
The horror...

You can download the story from Macleans Magazine here (pdf).


Friday, February 10, 2012

Ouch! From @theAGU #EOS: #EnvironmentCanada Cuts Threaten the Future of Science & International Agreements #ozone

Top American Atmospheric Scientists conclude:

We are concerned, in light of the Environment Canada budget cuts, that the international community may no longer be able to rely on the exceptional efforts and past leadership role provided by Canada for Arctic research. 

The Harper government is turning it's back on Canada's "True North" stewardship by implementing draconian cuts to ozone science that will not allow Canada to fulfil several international treaties it is party to including the Montreal protocol (how ironic!) and the US-Canada Air Quality agreement.

Download the article from AGU's EOS Transactions Newsletter here (pdf).

Monday, February 6, 2012

Man my new office in the P&A building @westernu better have one of these.

and a sandbox would be cool too.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blessing Iserhienrhien in the news: International Conference of Graduate Students Invades Nation’s Capital #uwophysastro

PCL MSc graduate Blessing Iserhienrhien, now working on her PhD at University of Saskatchewan recently presented her work at the Canadian-American-Mexican Graduate Student Physics Conference in Washington, DC. Well done Blessing!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

@CPSXnews rocks the Children’s Museum | Centre for Planetary Science & Exploration @westernu

Crow Emily joins in at the London Children's Museum hands-on Western Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration exhibit. If you are in the YXU stop by before January 30!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Arctic mystery: What killed the ozone, and will it strike again? @margaretmunro

Margaret Munro did a story today in the Montreal Gazette about last winter's severe Arctic ozone loss and a look forward to our Polar Sunrise campaign, will which continue these measurements and allow us to see what 2012 has in store.